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Resumen de Redistribución de competencias y un nuevo título ejecutivo extrajudicial para la descongestión de los juzgados de lo mercantil en el transporte aéreo de pasajeros

Leticia Fontestad Portalés

  • español

    Con el objetivo de impulsar y dotar de mayor eficacia a la resolución alternativa de resolución de litigios en el ámbito del transporte aéreo y, así, evitar judicializar este tipo de conflictos que conllevaba, en más ocasiones de las deseadas, el colapso de los juzgados de lo mercantil, se atribuye fuerza ejecutiva a la decisión que pone fin al nuevo procedimiento extrajudicial del que disponen los usuarios del transporte aéreo para la resolución de determinados litigios regulado en la Orden TMA/201/2022.Tras delimitar el ámbito de aplicación de este nuevo título ejecutivo no judicial en el sector del transporte aéreo, así como de reflexionar sobre el alcance de los requisitos que el artículo 520 LEC exige, según la literalidad de su rúbrica, a los títulos ejecutivos no judiciales, abordaremos el análisis de la recientemente aprobada reforma de la competencia de los juzgados de lo mercantil en determinadas cuestiones del transporte aéreo de pasajeros junto al proyecto de reforma para la implantación de los Tribunales de Instancia y las Oficinas de Justicia en los municipios.

  • English

    It is common knowledge that the government has been adopting various measures over the last few years to relieve congestion in the Commercial Courts. On the one hand, with regard to passenger air transport, not only is an alternative dispute resolution procedure regulated for certain claims, but the decision that puts an end to it is made enforceable. On the other hand, the aim is to transfer the claims of consumers, users and travelers to the Courts of First Instance, in order to unload them onto the Commercial Courts and the specialized sections of the Provincial Courts, with the Draft Organic Law amending Organic Law 6/1985, of 1 July, on the Judiciary, in matters of Commercial Courts, which complements the Draft reform of the Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Act. The central axis of this work, which deals with what, from our point of view, become the most relevant issues of this type of claims in the air transport sector and, therefore, of this new non-judicial enforceable title, begins with an introduction in which it is intended to put in relation the measures, extrajudicial and judicial, for the protection of the rights of air transport users. Thus, for the defense of the rights of air passengers, Ministerial Order TMA/201/2022 develops a procedure for the alternative resolution of disputes of air transport users on the rights recognized at the European Union level regarding compensation and assistance in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay, as well as in relation to the rights of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility. In order to promote and make more effective the alternative dispute resolution in this specific sector of air transport and, thus, to avoid the judicialization of this type of conflicts, which leads, more often than not, to the collapse of the commercial courts, the decision that puts an end to this out-of-court procedure available to air transport users for the resolution of certain disputes is made enforceable. However, both measures, extrajudicial and judicial, participate, to a lesser or greater extent, in the questioned competence of the commercial courts which, traditionally, have been competent to hear disputes arising from transport. As we will have the opportunity to verify, in relation to the subsequent judicial claim against the decisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution entity accredited before the European Union (the Aviation Safety State Agency, hereinafter AESA, when it obtains the accreditation) putting an end to the above mentioned extrajudicial procedure, the doubts arise due to the deficient drafting of the Draft Ministerial Order that violated the rules of Ius cogens on jurisdiction by reason of the object determined in the Organic Law of the Judiciary, as opposed to the current referral to the competent courts and the commercial courts in the final version of the Ministerial Order. For its part, the enforcement of the new extrajudicial enforcement order in this air transport sector, which in the absence of accreditation by AESA has not yet entered into force, generates the same doubt as the enforcement of any other non-judicial enforcement order in the field of any matter under the jurisdiction of the commercial courts in view of the fact that the Civil Procedure Act attributes the functional competence for the enforcement of extrajudicial enforcement orders, in general, to the courts of first instance. After a second section in which we will address the delimitation of the scope of application of this new non-judicial enforcement order in the air transport sector and reflect on the scope of the requirements that Article 520 LEC demands, according to its heading to non-judicial enforcement orders, we will conclude with an analysis of the recently approved reform of the jurisdiction of the commercial courts in certain matters of passenger air transport together with the reform project for the implementation of the Courts of First Instance and the Offices of Justice in the municipalities.

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