Z. Yusof, W. Gai, J.G. Power, W. Liu, R. Konecny, H. Wang, M.E. Conde
págs. 345-355
A Muon Collider scheme based on Frictional Cooling
R. Galea, A. Caldwell, H. Abramowicz, S. Schlenstedt
págs. 356-375
A photon beam polarimeter based on nuclear pair production in an amorphous target
A. Sirunyan, F. Adamyan, R. Jones, H. Hakobyan, Zh. Manukyan, H. Vartapetian
págs. 376-384
Energy device for monitoring 4¿10MeV industrial electron accelerators
P. Hargittai, M. Lavalle, A. Martelli, U. Corda, P.G. Fuochi, A. Kovács, K. Mehta
págs. 385-390
On the behavior of micro-spheres in a hydrogen pellet target
U. Wiedner, Ö. Nordhage, Z.-K. Li, C.-J. Fridén, G. Norman
págs. 391-404
An ultra-low-energy storage ring at FLAIR
C.P. Welsch, J. Ullrich, M. Grieser, A. Wolf
págs. 405-417
New ion-guide for the production of beams of neutron-rich nuclei between Z=20¿28
H. Penttilä, J. Äystö, J. Cerny, J. Hakala, P. Karvonen, A. Jokinen, J. Kurpeta, D. Lee, I. Moore, K. Peräjärvi, J. Huikari, A. Popov
págs. 418-425
Detection of noble gas scintillation light with large area avalanche photodiodes (LAAPDs)
M. Messina, A. Rubbia, R. Chandrasekharan
págs. 426-437
Backsplash testbeam results for the SPD subdetector of LHCb
X. Vilasís, E. Aguiló, David Gascón Fora, R. Ballabriga, E. Graugés, Xavier Xirgu, D. Peralta, R. Graciani, M. Calvo, L. Garrido
págs. 438-447
Studies of radiation effects in the NA60 silicon pixel detectors
J.M. Heuser, K. Banicz, G. Usai, C. Lourenço, H. Ohnishi, M. Keil, M. Brugger, M. Floris, E. Radermacher
págs. 448-456
Simulation study of electron drift and gas multiplication in Micro Pixel Chamber
Atsushi Takada, Marina Bouianov, Hidetoshi Kubo, Atsushi Takeda, Masaru Ueno, Kentaro Miuchi, Reiko Orito, Tsutomu Nagayoshi, Yoko Okada, Oleg Bouianov, Toru Tanimori
págs. 457-465
A hadron blind detector for the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
M. Naglis, A. Milov, T. Gunji, M. Inuzuka, S.X. Oda, Z. Fraenkel, A. Kozlov, I. Ravinovich, C. Woody, S. Yokkaichi, Y. Morino, I. Tserruya, S. Sawada, L. Shekhtman, H. Hamagaki, T. Sakaguchi, B. Azmoun, T. Isobe, K. Ozawa, S. Saito
págs. 466-480
Construction of the inner layer barrel drift chambers of the ATLAS muon spectrometer at the LHC
A. Di Mattia, P. Gauzzi, Cesare Bini, D. Calabrò, R. Caloi, G. Ciapetti, A. Di Domenico, M. Fraternali, G. Gaudio, M. Cambiaghi, C.H. Daly, A. Freddi, P. Bagnaia, G. Capradossi, G. De Zorzi, M. Barisonzi, V. Cecconi, A. Cavallari, A. De Salvo, R. Ferrari
págs. 481-497
A multiresolution data visualization tool for applications in neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy
G. Bordel, T.G. Perring, Ibon Bustinduy Uriarte, Francisco Javier Bermejo Barrera
págs. 498-508
Simulations of neutron background in a time projection chamber relevant to dark matter searches
E. Daw, R.J. Hollingworth, J.A. Kirkpatrick, J.E. McMillan, T.B. Lawson, P.K. Lightfoot, S.M. Paling, B. Morgan, M. Robinson, D.R. Tovey, M.J. Carson, E. Tziaferi, J.C. Davies, V.A. Kudryavtsev, N.J.C. Spooner
págs. 509-522
D. Wahl, M.S. Mykhaylyk, H. Kraus, M. Moszy¿ski, W. Czarnacki, Marcin Balcerzyk, V.B. Mikhailik
págs. 523-534
Beam test of a prototype fine-granularity scintillator tile EM calorimeter
N. Nakajima, H. Ono, F. Kajino, J. Kanzaki, K. Kawagoe, S. Kishimoto, K. Sekiguchi, N. Uchida, A. Nagano, A.L.C. Sanchez, Y. Yamada, S. Kim, H. Matsunaga, R. Nakamura, T. Matsumoto, S. Yamamoto, H. Miyata, Y. Fujii, S. Itoh, T. Takeshita
págs. 535-543
Proton irradiation of e2v technologies L3Vision devices
D.R. Smith, A.D. Holland
págs. 544-552
A study of fast neutron interactions in high-purity germanium detectors
Joa Ljungvall, Johan Nyberg
págs. 553-573
HERA-B framework for online calibration and alignment
U. Schwanke, J. M. Hernández Calama, V. Rybnikov, A. Amorim, F. Sánchez, M. Medinnis, D. Ressing, P. Kreuzer
págs. 574-583
An optimization of energy window settings for positron annihilation lifetime spectrometers
M.L. Hussein, T. Sharshar
págs. 584-590
Alain Bertrand, Heinz J. Weyer
págs. 591-603
págs. 604-619
Prototype soft end dipole magnet for MAX-IV, fabrication and measurements
H. Tarawneh, B. Anderberg, L.-J. Lindgren
págs. 620-626
Synchronization of femtosecond UV-IR laser with electron beam for pulse radiolysis studies
Kazumasa Okamoto, Shigeru Kashiwagi, Yoichi Yoshida, Seiichi Tagawa, Akinori Saeki, Goro Isoyama, Takahiro Kozawa
págs. 627-633
Quantum SASE FEL with laser wiggler
Rodolfo Bonifacio
págs. 634-638
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