Evaluation of transition radiation with wake field theory
Wen-Hui Huang, Dao Xiang
págs. 381-387
Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
págs. 388-399
Slow beam-extraction method using a fast Q-magnet assisted by RF-knockout
Katsuhisa Yoshida, Tetsuya Nakanishi, Koji Noda, Takuji Furukawa
págs. 400-406
A principle of charged particle trapping by RF electromagnetic field in the spherical cavity
S. Minaev
págs. 407-415
D.V. Pestrikov
págs. 416-433
Toshitada Hori, Masashi Arita, Takaaki Nakahara, Ichiro Sakai, Kiminori Goto
págs. 434-437
Effects of the strong magnetic field on LED, extruded scintillator and MRS photodiode
G. Blazey, V. Zutshi, D. Beznosko, A. Dyshkant, V. Rykalin
págs. 438-447
Photodetector power supply system for the CMS hadron calorimeter
Anatoly Ronzhin, John E. Elias, Sergey Sergueev, Ivan Vankov, Lubomir Dimitrov, Boris Kunov
págs. 448-454
A compact Cosmic Ray demonstrator for physics outreach programs
J. Yang, G.M. Viertel, S.C. Commichau, K.S. Kim
págs. 455-458
Maximum-likelihood approach for signal estimation in direct detection experiments for Dark Matter
Vuk Mandic, Richard W. Schnee, Bernard Sadoulet
págs. 459-469
Flux profile scanners for scattered high-energy electrons
J. Savage, J. Celli, G.A. Peterson, R.S. Hicks, C. Arroyo, M. Breuer, K. Pope, J. Ricci, P. Decowski, E. Chudakov, K.S. Kumar, P.A. Souder, M. Olson
págs. 470-482
Proper-time resolution function in ¿ mixing search at Belle
C.C. Zhang, Z.P. Zheng, L.M. Zhang, J. Li, Z.P. Zhang
págs. 483-490
Commissioning the DRAGON facility at ISAC
L. Buchmann, D. Hutcheon, J. D¿Auria, W. Liu, J. Pearson, A.A. Chen, A. Hussein, S. Bishop, D. Gigliotti, D. Hunter, C.C. Jewett, J. Caggiano, A.M. Laird, S. Engel, A. Olin, C. Ruiz, M.L. Chatterjee, U. Greife, M. Lamey, D. Ottewell
págs. 491-500
Gamma-ray imaging with a coaxial HPGe detector
J. Blair, K. Vetter, T. Niedermayr, L. Mihailescu, D. Beckedahl, J. Kammeraad, G.J. Schmid
págs. 501-511
The position response of a large-volume segmented germanium detector
J.R. Cresswell, J. Simpson, I. Lazarus, C.J. Pearson, P. Sellin, J.J. Valiente-Dobon, P.J. Nolan, A.J. Boston, P.H. Regan, M. Descovich, J. Dobson, S. Gros
págs. 512-521
V.B. Mikhailik, D. Wahl, H. Kraus
págs. 522-534
In-beam measurement of the position resolution of a highly segmented coaxial germanium detector
P. Fallon, M. Cromaz, R.M. Clark, D.C. Radford, M.A. Deleplanque, F.S. Stephens, A.O. Macchiavelli, I.Y. Lee, M. Descovich, K. Vetter, D. Ward
págs. 535-542
P. Cortese, I. Merlano, G. Dellacasa, D. Bianchi
págs. 543-549
Suppression of the slow component of scintillation light in
H.K.M. Tanaka, M. Biasini, A.P. Mills, D.B. Cassidy, S.H.M. Deng
págs. 550-558
Vito R. Vanin, Mauro S. Dias, Marina F. Koskinas, Nora L. Maidana, Mauro N. Takeda
págs. 559-568
J.C. Engdahl, K. Bharwani
págs. 569-577
Characterization of CaWO<sub>4</sub> scintillator at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures
H. Kraus, T. Szcz¿¿niak, M. Moszy¿ski, V.B. Mikhailik, I.M. Solskii, W. Czarnacki, Marcin Balcerzyk, A. Nassalski
págs. 578-591
Monte-Carlo simulations of small angle neutron scattering instruments at European spallation source
T. Gutberlet, A. Wiedenmann, K. Lieutenant, F. Mezei
págs. 592-603
Radiation tolerant D/A converters for the LHC cryogenic system
Ana C. Fernándes, Yi Zong, Miguel A. Rodríguez Ruiz, Francisco Javier Franco Peláez, Juan Casas-Cubillos, Juan Andrés de Agapito Serrano, José G. Marques
págs. 604-612
págs. 613-619
K. Yagi-Watanabe, T. Yamada, F. Kaneko, M. Tanaka, K. Nakagawa, M. Yuri
págs. 620-626
Verification of nuclear fuel plates by a developed non-destructive assay method
M.A. Samei, M. Rizk, W. El-Gammal, M. El-Nagdy, S. Shawky
págs. 627-638
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