Nitrate supply and demand at the Georges Bank tidal front
Edward P. W. Horne, John W. Loder, William G. Harrison, Robert Mohn, Marlon R. Lewis, Brian Irwin, T. Platt
págs. 145-158
págs. 159-165
Respiration rates in the Changjiang River mouth and the adjacent East China Sea: relations with bacteria and phytoplankton
págs. 167-173
págs. 175-185
págs. 187-196
Cyanobacteria distribution across the Western Mediterranean divergence: a proof of pigment adaptation in different light conditions
págs. 197-202
págs. 203-214
The frontal systems in the Iroise Sea: development of Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt on the inner front
págs. 215-221
Javier Arístegui Ruiz, Santiago Hernández León, M. Gómez, Leopoldo Medina Domingo, Alicia Ojeda Rodríguez, S. Torres
págs. 223-229
Zooplankton feeding ecology: feeding rates of the copepods Acartia tonsa, Centropages velificatus and Eucalanus pileatus in relation to the suspended sediments in the plume of the Mississippi River (Northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf)
págs. 231-237
Larval feeding of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, on dinoflagellates: implications for year-class strength
págs. 239-245
págs. 247-250
págs. 251-257
págs. 259-268
págs. 269-275
págs. 277-281
págs. 283-292
págs. 293-299
págs. 301-306
págs. 307-313
págs. 315-318
págs. 319-327
págs. 329-334
págs. 335-342
págs. 343-347
págs. 349-356
Production of seaweeds in Northwestern Mediterranean marine communities: its relation with environmental factors
págs. 357-364
págs. 365-372
págs. 373-385
The suspension-feeder communities of a Mediterranean sea cave
Andrea Balduzzi, C. N. Bianchi, Ferdinando Boero, R. Cattaneo Vietti, Maurizio Pansini, Michele Sará
págs. 387-395
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