págs. 187-191
Growth and reproduction of Xyrichthys novacula (Pisces: Labridae) in the Mediterranean Sea
Massimiliano Cardinale, Francesco Colloca, Giandomenico Ardizzone
págs. 193-201
págs. 203-209
The drift of Modified Atlantic Water from the Alboran Sea to the eastern Mediterranean
Joan Font García, C. Millot, J. Salas, Agustí Julià, O. Chic
págs. 211-216
Salt effect on sensitized photooxidations: a kinetic approch to environmental decomposition of marine contaminants
págs. 217-223
Growth of juvenile Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus in the Gulf of California
María Georgina Gluyas-Millán, Martin Castonguay, Casimiro Quiñonez-Velázquez
págs. 225-231
págs. 233-245
Approaches to otolith age determination: image signal treatment and age attribution
págs. 247-256
Chemical composition of phyto- plancton and Particulate Organic Matter in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
Aida Fernández Ríos, Fernando Fraga, Fiz Fernández Pérez, Francisco Gómez Figueiras
págs. 257-271
págs. 273-288
págs. 289-294
págs. 295-299
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