Bill Russell: an american ensemble
Jon Kukla
págs. 7-9
The musical worlds of William Russell: 1104
Bruce Boyd Reaburn
págs. 10-18
A brother remembers William Russell: 1245
William Frederick Wagner
págs. 19-26
Bill Russell as record producer: a tribute
Barry Martyn
págs. 27-33
William Russell: american persussion composer
Don Gillespie
págs. 34-56
Pictures worth a thousand notes: the photographic holdings of the William Russell collection
págs. 57-62
Maple leaf rag: Bill Russell and his jazz colletion at the historic New Orleans collection
Richard Jackson
págs. 63-72
The William Russell collection: providing care and access
págs. 73-80
William Russell and his collection: a historical perspective
Jason Berry
págs. 81-94
''He was getting it involved with himself'': identity and reflexivity in William Faulkner''s Light in August and Absalom, Absalom!
Helen Lynn Sugarman
págs. 95-102
Whose story is it?: history and fiction in Cormac McCarthy''s All the pretty horses
págs. 103-110
Printmaking as a Bozart of the South: 1914-1947
Lynn Barstis Williams
págs. 111-132
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