págs. 153-154
págs. 154-156
New advances in carbon cycle research
Diane Pataki, Josep G. Canadell
págs. 156-158
Like minds: evolutionary convergence in nervous systems: evolutionary convergence in nervous systems
S. M. Phelps
págs. 158-159
Phanerozoic biodiversity: rocks or real?: rocks or real?
N. Crystal-Arens
pág. 160
David Waxman, Lindell Bromham
pág. 160
pág. 161
pág. 161
pág. 162
Penis-biting slugs: wild claims and confusions: wild claims and confusions
J. M. Hutchinson, H. Reise
pág. 163
Exotic plant invasions and the enemy release hypothesis.
Ryan M. Keane, Michael J. Crawley
pág. 164
pág. 170
Christien H. Ettema, David A. Wardle
pág. 177
Gene flow and the limits to natural selection.
Thomas Lenormand
pág. 183
Hormones, developmental plasticity and adaptation
A. M. Dufty Jr, J. Clobert, A. P. Moller
págs. 190-196
Gus Mills
pág. 197
Marine fisheries: a broad view of an expanding field.: a broad view of an expanding field.
Louis W. Botsford
pág. 197
Animal Traditions: Behavioral Inheritance in Evolution.: Behavioral Inheritance in Evolution.
Susan A. Foster
pág. 198
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