págs. 141-154
págs. 155-161
págs. 163-172
Some practical problems in fuzzy sets-based decision support systems
Alejandro Sancho Royo, José Luis Verdegay Galdeano, E. Vergara-Moreno
págs. 173-187
págs. 189-199
págs. 201-215
págs. 219-234
Idempotent operators on a finite chain
Margarita Mas Grimalt, Joan Torrens Sastre, Tomasa Calvo Sánchez, Marc Carbonell Huguet
págs. 235-247
On the learning of weights in some aggregation operators: the weigthed mean and OWA operators
págs. 249-265
Method of least squares applied to the generalized modus ponens with interval-valued fuzzy sets
E. Agustench, Humberto Bustince Sola, María Victoria Mohedano Salillas
págs. 267-276
Inference of fuzzy regular grammars from examples
Inmaculada Fortes Ruiz, Rafael Morales Bueno, José Luis Pérez de la Cruz, Francisco Andrés Triguero Ruiz, M. A. Comino
págs. 277-291
págs. 293-304
Formal validation of fuzzy control techniques: perspectives
págs. 305-317
Fast prototyping of computing-oriented fuzzy-logic systems
José Ignacio Martínez Torre, Jean Pierre Deschamps, Milagros Fernández Centeno
págs. 319-330
A mixed-signal architecture for high complexity CMOS fuzzy controlers
Rafael Jesús Navas González, Fernando Vidal Verdú, Ángel Benito Rodríguez Vázquez
págs. 331-343
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