Decompositions of finitely generated nilpotent groups of class 2
Niamh O�Sullivan
págs. 1-11
Higher trace forms and essential dimension in central simple algebras
Zinovy Reichstein
págs. 12-18
On the torsion of Jacobians of principal modular curves of level 3 n
Matthew A. Papanikolas, Christopher Rasmussen
págs. 19-28
Mahler measures in a field are dense modulo 1
Arturas Dubickas
págs. 29-34
Waring type congruences involving factorials modulo a prime
Moubariz Z. Garaev, V. C. Garcia
págs. 35-41
On certain polylogarithmic double series
Hirofumi Tsumura
págs. 42-51
Characterization of nearly Schroeder-Bernstein quadruples for Banach spaces
Elói Medina Galego
págs. 52-56
Families of vector measures of uniformly bounded variation
Olav Nygaard, Märt Põldvere
págs. 57-61
On vector measures with separable range
José Rodríguez
págs. 62-70
Perelman�s invariant, Ricci flow, and the Yamabe invariants of smooth manifolds
Kazuo Akutagawa, Masashi Ishida, Claude LeBrun
págs. 71-76
Pointwise gradient estimates in exterior domains
Marcello Bertoldi, Simona Fornaro, Luca Lorenzi
págs. 77-89
The inverse problem of geometric and golden means of positive definite matrices
Hosoo Lee, Yongdo Lim
págs. 90-95
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