págs. 499-520
págs. 521-537
The rise of China as an economic power: what impact on the EU economy and labour markets?
págs. 539-562
Strike action to save the life of a plant is followed by its "honourable death": the conflict at AEG in Nuremberg
págs. 563-575
Laboratories of the new Europe: trade unions, employee interest representation and participation in foreign investment enterprises in central and eastern Europe
págs. 577-591
págs. 593-607
The relevance of the exit option: the challenge for European trade unions of post-Fordism, internationalisation of the economy and financial market capitalism
págs. 609-620
The MOOS Project: a response from trade unions to offshore outsourcing
págs. 621-625
págs. 625-630
págs. 630-636
An EU framework for transnational collective bargaining: an opportunity for European trade unions?
págs. 637-641
págs. 641-643
págs. 644-645
A report from the homeland of the Ghent system: the relationship between unemployment and trade union membership in Belgium
págs. 647-657
Hermann Kotthoff: Lehrjahre des Eusopäischen Betriebsrats. Zehn Jahre transnationale Arbeitnehmervertretung [The European works council's apprentice years. Ten years of transnational workers' representation]
págs. 659-661
End of the Ice Age?: On relations between the trade unions and the SPD
pág. 663
pág. 664
Co-determination and Europe: Annual meeting of GIRA (German Industrial Relations Association), Düsseldorf, 12-13 October 2006
págs. 667-668
Transfer celebrates its 12th anniversary with a conference on the future of the European Social Model and the role of trade unions: Brussels, 5 October 2006
págs. 669-679
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