págs. 1-7
The Material Culture of an Industrial Artifact: Interpreting Control, Defiance, and Everday Resistance at the New South Eveleigh Railway Workshops
págs. 8-27
págs. 28-48
págs. 49-60
págs. 61-74
Creating and Domesticating Hungary´s Socialist Industrial Landscape: From Dunapentele to Sztálinváros, 1950-1958
págs. 75-93
Landscapes of Resistance: A view of the Nineteenth-Century Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fishery
págs. 94-112
The Landscape of Van Winkle´s Mill: Identity, Myth, and Modernity in the Ozark Upland South
págs. 113-131
págs. 132-151
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