págs. 9-14
págs. 15-27
págs. 29-38
Religion and the revolution: the legacy of Jacques Cauvin
págs. 39-60
págs. 61-74
The bird of a concept and the origins of the Neolithic: a history of prehistoric farmers in the Near East
págs. 75-87
Reflections on neolithisation processes. Jacques Cauvin: the right man for the season
págs. 89-99
The greening of the Badlands: Pastoral nomads and the "conclusion" of neolithization in the Sourthern Levant
págs. 101-109
págs. 111-122
New evidence from Southern Jordan: rethinking the role of architecture in changing societies at the beginning of the Neolithic process
págs. 123-135
Home is where we keep our food: the origins of agriculture and late pre-pottery Neolithic food storage
págs. 137-152
págs. 153-163
À l'aube du Néolithique: évolution ou révolution des symboles?
págs. 165-176
págs. 177-185
págs. 187-204
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