Un Congresso "eucaristico" all'Università Gregoriana promosso dal Pontificio Istituto Orientale.
Cesare Giraudo
págs. 5-14
The Genesis of the Anaphoral Institution Narrative in the Light of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari: Between Form Criticism and Comparative Liturgy.
págs. 15-27
Le Caché nour relève en se révélant. La révélation rédemptrice dans les Hymnes sur la Nativité de St. Ephrem
Bert Daelemans
págs. 29-80
The Miaphysite Monasticism of Gaza and Julian of Halicarnassus.
Aryeh Kofsky
págs. 81-96
From Polemicists to Promoters: The Jesuits and the Liturgical Traditions of the Christian East
Robert F. Taft
págs. 97-132
The Development of Byzantine Marriage Rites as Evidenced by Sinai Gr. 957.
Gabriel Radle
págs. 133-148
L'architettura sepolcrale bizantina sulle isole di Gemile e Karacaörem in Lycia.
Aleksandra Filipovic
págs. 149-177
Le versioni paleo-ceche del Secretum secretorum pseudo-aristotelico: osservazioni preliminari.
Barbara Lomagistro
págs. 179-201
Whos is the Unknown Painter? XIXth-century Iconography in Mardin - Mosul.
Vicent Van Vossel
págs. 203-226
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