págs. 1-6
The role of the Historian as an author/narrator: the case of Herodotus's "The histories"
págs. 7-28
págs. 29-50
An inquiry into Historical experience and its narration: the case of Günter Grass
págs. 51-72
págs. 73-88
In fact non fiction: historiographic paratext
págs. 89-112
Personal diaries as historical narratives: Yossef Nachmani and the Galilee
págs. 113-130
'All their feet on the ground?': tidy (Hi)stories in question
págs. 131-150
Empirisierung (in) der Literaturwissenschaft: wissenschaftsinterne und -externe Dynamiken
págs. 151-158
Mashup-Kultur und Musikvideos: Aktuelle Entwicklungen audiovisueller Auflösung und Verdichtung in Mashup-Videos
pág. 159
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