Caryophyllales phylogenetics: disentangling Phytolaccaceae and Molluginaceae and description of Microteaceae as a new isolated family
Bastian Schäferhoff, Kai F. Müller, Thomas Borsch
págs. 209-228
Contributions towards a revised infrageneric classification of Crepis (Cichorieae, Compositae)
Neela Enke
págs. 229-245
Digitaria ciliaris in Europe
Thomas Wilhalm
págs. 247-259
A new species of Stipa sect. Leiostipa (Poaceae) from SW Spain
Francisco María Vázquez Pardo, José Luis Pérez Chiscano, María Gutierrez, Soledad Ramos Maqueda
págs. 261-264
Cousinia sect. Argenteae (Asteraceae, Cardueae), a new section including a new species from NE Iran
Iraj Mehregan, Mostafa Assadi
págs. 265-271
Three new species of Heliamphora (Sarraceniaceae) from the Guayana Highlands of Venezuela
Andreas Fleischmann, Andreas Wistuba, Joachim Nerz
págs. 273-283
Hygrophila urquiolae (Acanthaceae), a new wetland species from Cuba
Werner Greuter, Rosa Rankin Rodríguez, Alejandro Palmarola-Bejerano
págs. 285-291
Contributions to the flora of Albania
Zoltán Barina, Dániel Pifkó, Attila Mesterházy
págs. 293-299
Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VI.
Ralf Hand
págs. 301-325
Euro+Med Notulae, 4
Werner Greuter, Eckhard von Raab-Straube
págs. 327-333
Med-Checklist Notulae, 28
Werner Greuter, Thomas Raus
págs. 335-345
Staurastrum pseudoplanctonicum (Desmidiales), a new planktonic species from Italy and Germany, with a best practise recommendation for typifying desmids
Wolf-Henning Kusber, Wilfried Scharf
págs. 347-352
Karyological data of some angiosperms from Romania
Matthias Baltisberger, Alex Widmer
págs. 353-363
Buchbesprechungen / Book reviews
págs. 365-367
Index to new names and combinations appearing in Willdenowia 39(2)
pág. 369
Index to typifications of names in Willdenowia 39(2)
Reviewers of manuscripts submitted for publication during 2008
pág. 370
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