págs. 45-62
Land, power and conflict in Afghanistan: seeking to understand complexity
págs. 63-82
págs. 83-94
The battle over pastures: the hidden war of Afghanistan
págs. 95-114
Les conflicts fonciers comme analyseurs des guerres civiles: chefs de guerre, militaires américains et juges taliban dans la Kunar
págs. 115-132
págs. 133-150
La terre du pouvoir, le pouvoir de la terre: conflicts fonciers et jeux politiques en Afghanistan
págs. 151-168
Three faces of Shafa: land ownership on trial in Ningarhar
págs. 169-188
Would-be places for displaced Afghans: the UNHCR, landless returness and the enforcement of the national order
págs. 189-206
Home sweet home¡: repratiation, reintegration and land allocation in Afghanistan
pág. 207
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