págs. 341-374
Politicians, parishes and police: the failure of the 1812 Night Watch Bill
págs. 375-391
Empire, patriotism and the working-class electorate: the 1900 general election in the Battersea constituency
págs. 392-412
'J'y Suis, J'y Reste': the Parliamentary Statue of Oliver Cromwell by Hamo Thornycroft
págs. 413-425
págs. 425-428
págs. 429-440
págs. 441-454
Parliamentarians at law: select legal proceedings of the long fifteenth century relating to Parliament
P.R. Cavill (res.)
Es reseña de:
Parliamentarians at law: select legal proceedings of the long fifteenth century relating to Parliament
Hannes Kleineke (ed. lit.)
Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. ISBN 9781405180139
págs. 455-456
The burghs and parliament in Scotland, c. 1550-1651
Alasdair Hawkyard (res.)
Es reseña de:
The burghs and parliament in Scotland, c. 1550-1651
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2007. ISBN 9780754653288
págs. 456-457
The Long Parliament of Charles II
John Spurr (res.)
Es reseña de:
The Long Parliament of Charles II
New Haven, CT. ; London : Yale University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780300137088
págs. 458-459
Restoration Ireland: always settling and never settled
Owen Stanwood (res.)
Es reseña de:
Restoration Ireland: always settling and never settled
Coleman A. Dennehy (ed. lit.)
Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008. ISBN 9780754658870
págs. 459-461
The original and institution of Civil Government, discuss'd
Stephen Taylor (res.)
Es reseña de:
The original and institution of Civil Government, discuss'd
Benjamin Hoadly, William Gibson (ed. lit.)
New York, N.Y. : AMS Press, 2007. ISBN 9780404648510
págs. 461-462
Empire and nation: the American Revolution in the Atlantic world
James Bradley (res.)
Es reseña de:
Empire and nation: the American Revolution in the Atlantic world
Eliga H. Gould (ed. lit.), Peter S. Onuf (ed. lit.)
Baltimore ; London : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. ISBN 0801879124
págs. 462-465
The forgotten prime minister: the 14th Earl of Derby
W. C. Lubenow (res.)
Es reseña de:
The forgotten prime minister: the 14th Earl of Derby. Vol. 2, Achievement, 1851-1869.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780199204410
págs. 465-467
Land and nation in England: patriotism, national identity, and the politics of land, 1880-1914
Matthew Roberts (res.)
Es reseña de:
Land and nation in England: patriotism, national identity, and the politics of land, 1880-1914
Woodbridge : Royal Historical Society, 2008. ISBN 9780861932979
págs. 467-469
Parties at war: political organization in Second World War Britain
Laura Beers (res.)
Es reseña de:
Parties at war: political organization in Second World War Britain
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN 9780199272730
págs. 470-471
Choosing the Tory leader: Conservative Party leadership elections from Heath to Cameron
Rodney Barker (res.)
Es reseña de:
Choosing the Tory leader: Conservative Party leadership elections from Heath to Cameron
London : Tauris Academic Studies, 2008. ISBN 9781845114862
págs. 471-473
The politics of the Thatcher revolution: an interpretation of British politics, 1979-1990
D. J. Dutton (res.)
Es reseña de:
The politics of the Thatcher revolution: an interpretation of British politics, 1979-1990
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. ISBN 9780333751961
págs. 473-475
The Labour Party and constitutional reform: a history of constitutional conservatism
Alexandra Kelso (res.)
Es reseña de:
The Labour Party and constitutional reform: a history of constitutional conservatism
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. ISBN 9780230205352
págs. 475-477
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