The Value of Leather as a Component Brand. The 54th John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture
Elton L. Hurlow
págs. 319-335
Presentation and acceptance of the 2013 Wilson Lecture Scroll
Susan Steele, Elton L. Hurlow
pág. 336
Presentation and acceptance of the 2013 o'Flaherty Award
Andy Porter, Prasad Inaganti
pág. 337
Presentation and acceptance of the 2013 Alsop Award
Andreas Rhein, Robert White
págs. 338-339
Closing Remarks by past and new ALCA president
Steven Gilberg, Steve Lange
págs. 340-341
Sponsors, Program Advertises and Exhibitors
pág. 342
Editor note
pág. 343
Council Meeting Minutes.
págs. 344-346
ALCA Annual Business Meeting minutes.
págs. 347-352
Council Meeting minutes
págs. 353-354
Economic assessment and pathogenic bacteria inhibition of bovine hide presoaking solutions formulated with enzymes that can remove adobe-type manure
Mila Aldema Ramos, Z. Muir, T. Wheeler, N. Kalchayanand, A. MCAloon
págs. 355-363
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