págs. 303-311
Physical Activity, Fitness, and Metabolic Syndrome in Young Adults
Sara López Martínez, Mairena Sánchez López, Montserrat Solera Martínez, Natalia Arias Palencia, Rosa María Fuentes Chacón, Vicente Martínez Vizcaíno
págs. 312-321
págs. 322-335
págs. 336-343
A 6-Month Trial of Resistance Training With Milk Supplementation in Adolescents: Effects on Body Composition
Kate Lambourne, Richard A. Washburn, Jaehoon Lee, Jessica L. Betts, David Travis Thomas, Bryan Smith, Cheryl Gibson, Debra Kay Sullivan, Joseph E. Donnelly
págs. 344-356
págs. 357-368
págs. 369-377
Oral Creatine Supplementation Augments the Repeated Bout Effect
Kelle F.T Veggi, Marco Machado, Alexander J. Koch, Sandro C. Santana, Sedison S. Oliveira, Michael J. Stec
págs. 378-387
págs. 388-398
The Impact of Making Weight on Physiological and Cognitive Processes in Elite Jockeys
Eimear Dolan, SarahJane Cullen, Adrian McGoldrick, Giles D. Warrington
págs. 399-408
Influence of Growth Rate on Nitrogen Balance in Adolescent Sprint Athletes
Dirk Aerenhouts, Jelle Van Cauwenberg, Jacques Remi Poortmans, Ronald Hauspie, Peter Clarys
págs. 409-417
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