págs. 1-5
Complex dynamics and chaos in commutable pendulum
V.R. Nosov, H. Domínguez, J.A. Ortega-Herrera, J.A. Meda-Campaña
págs. 6-12
págs. 13-18
págs. 19-28
Computer simulation of the energy dynamics of a sinusoidally perturbed double sine-Gordon equation:: an application to the transmission of wave signals
págs. 29-40
Structural and electronic properties of RuN/GaN superlattices:: a first-principles study
César Ortega López, Rafael Julián González Hernández, Jairo Arbey Rodríguez Martínez
págs. 41-45
Electronic band structure of platinum low-index surfaces:: an "ab initio" and tight-binding study. II
págs. 46-54
On the centre of mass velocity in molecular dynamics simulations
G.A. Méndez-Maldonado, M. González-Melchor, J. Alejandre, G.A. Chapela
págs. 55-60
págs. 61-68
págs. 69-76
págs. 77-85
págs. 86-93
Hermitian operators and boundary conditions
M. Maya-Mendieta, J. Oliveros-Oliveros, E. Teniza-Tetlalmatzi, J. Vargas-Ubera
págs. 94-103
págs. 104-112
págs. 113-116
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