To be or not to be... Neolithic: "Failed attempts" at Neolithization in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Near East, and their final success (35,000-7000 BP)
Olivier Aurenche, Janusz K. Kozlowski, Stefan Karol Kozlowski
págs. 5-45
Performance and participation: multi-sensual analysis of near eastern pre-pottery neolithic non-domestic architecture
págs. 47-67
págs. 69-84
págs. 85-108
Le paléolithique moyen de la haute vallée du Kasakh (Arménie): caractérisation technologique et peuplement de montagne
David Colonge, Jacques Jaubert, S. Nahapetyan, Vincent Ollivier, Dimitri Arakelian, Gauthier Devilder, Christophe Fourloubey, Marie-Hélène Jamois, Boris Gasparian, Christine Chataigner
págs. 109-140
Gabriel Alcalde, Marie-Claire Cauvin, Jesús Emilio González Urquijo, Daniel Helmer, Juan José Ibáñez Estévez, Joaquim Mateu i Gasquet, Miquel Molist i Montañà, Maria Saña Seguí, Xavier Terradas Batlle
págs. 141-154
Another piece in the puzzle - A new PPNA site at Bir el-Maksur (Northern Israel)
Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Michal Birkenfeld, Emil Aladjem, Yael Givol-Barzilai, Doron Bonnes, Yuval Goren, Reuven Yeshurun
págs. 155-172
Obsidian exchange networks in prehistoric Anatolia: new data from the Black Sea region
págs. 173-182
Animal management strategies during the chalcolthic in the lower Galilee: new data from Marj Rabba (Israel)
págs. 183-200
Rethinking Halaf and Ubaid animal economies: hunting and herding at Tell Zeidan (Syria)
págs. 201-219
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