Folklife and museum practice: : an intertwined history and emerging convergences (American folklore society presidential address, October 2011)
págs. 247-263
págs. 264-284
Productos latinos: : latino business murals, symbolism, and the social enactment of identity in greater Los Angeles
págs. 285-320
The rowan tree: : the lifework of marjorie edgar, girl scout pioneer and folklorist, with her Finnish folk song collection "songs from metsola."
págs. 321-322
págs. 323-324
págs. 324-326
Beyond the borderlands: : migration and belonging in the United States and Mexico
págs. 326-328
págs. 328-329
Bean Blossom: : The Brown County Jamboree and Bill Monroe's Bluegrass Festivals
págs. 330-331
págs. 331-333
The irresistible fairy tale: : the cultural and social history of a genre
págs. 333-337
The true image: : gravestone art and the culture of Scotch Irish Settlers in the Pennsylvania and Carolina Backcountry
págs. 337-339
págs. 339-340
págs. 340-341
págs. 341-343
págs. 343-344
págs. 344-346
págs. 346-347
Playing dead: : mock trauma and folk drama in staged high school drunk driving tragedies
págs. 347-349
págs. 349-351
The other world or ethnicity in action: : Canadian Ukrainianness at the end of the 20th century
págs. 351-352
págs. 353-354
The ancient mythology of modern science: : a mythologist looks (seriously) at popular science writing
págs. 354-356
págs. 356-357
págs. 357-359
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