págs. 1421-1427
Revisiting purchasing power parity in African countries: panel stationary test with sharp and smooth breaks
págs. 1429-1438
Determinants of risk: electric utilities pre- and post-deregulation era
págs. 1439-1448
págs. 1449-1464
págs. 1465-1477
págs. 1479-1489
págs. 1491-1513
The information content of accounting earnings, book values, losses and firm size vis-à-vis stocks: empirical evidence from an emerging stock market
págs. 1515-1527
págs. 1529-1536
A default prediction model for Italian SMEs: the relevance of the capital structure
págs. 1537-1554
págs. 1555-1575
págs. 1577-1583
The value of being systemically important: event study on regulatory announcements for banks
págs. 1585-1604
Financial development and local growth: evidence from highly disaggregated Italian data
págs. 1605-1615
págs. 1617-1630
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