págs. 6-6
Flight to the Ice Age: A Yukon landscape features glaciers and mountain meadows.
págs. 12-15
Strange New Worlds: Astronomers are finding more and more Jupiter-class planets orbiting astonishingly clse to stars.
págs. 16-17
págs. 17-17
Ocean Tantrums: Hurricane experts may have bad news fot the densely populated Atlantic coast, where residents have learned to keep an eye on the open ocean during the storm season.
págs. 18-19
págs. 20-20
The Alzheimer's Lottery: The female hormone estrogen and a previously unheralded protein may help protect the endangered brain.
págs. 22-29
Tough As Nails: How a horse's hoof stops a crack.
Carl Zimmer, Sally J. Bensusen (il.)
págs. 30-31
A Darwinian Gentleman at Marx's Funeral: The odd friendship of an evolutionist and a revolutionist.
págs. 32-33
Sky Island Songbirds: A research team finds out the hard way why Bicknell's thrush, which nests in the mountains of New England, long escaped scientific scrutiny.
págs. 34-39
In Living Colors: The medium is the message among coral reef fishes. Their vivid colors and extraordinary shapes tell a thousand tales.
Jeff Rotman (fot.), Joe Levine
págs. 40-47
págs. 48-49
Hit and Run: With prayers, bets, and wooden sticks, a Native American sport survives in the mountains of northern Mexico.
págs. 50-55
Nature's Last Bastions: "Sustainable use" of our tropical forests may be little more than wishful thinking.
págs. 70-73
págs. 76-77
págs. 80-82
págs. 84-85
Virtual Artifacts: Thanks to digitalization, many treasures from the Museum's anthropology collections can be seen and enjoyed on-line.
págs. 86-87
Remembrance of Auks Past: A naturalist pursues his obsession with vanished species of birds.
págs. 88-88
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