A debate over International Economic Law: the discussion between Adolfo Miaja de la Muela and Mariano Aguilar Navarro in 1971/72
págs. 1-21
Non Exceptional Exceptions: The Latest on The United State of America and Mexico Supreme Courts’ Hague Abduction Decisions (Lozano and Direct Amparo under Revision 903/2014)
págs. 23-33
Legal considerations regarding a hypothetical unilateral declaration of independence by Catalonia: a legally unfeasible political scenario
págs. 35-59
The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements of the European Union and the Objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy: Fisheries and/or Development?
págs. 61-85
Building a Security Council Resolution: When Numbers on Illicit Activities Matter
págs. 87-100
págs. 141-142
On Transparency, Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption: Some Lessons (and Questions) from an International Law Perspective
págs. 143-165
págs. 167-180
págs. 181-193
págs. 195-209
The EU Data Protection Law Reform: Challenges for Service Trade Liberalization and Possible Approaches for Harmonizing Privacy Standards into the Context of GATS
págs. 211-220
Flying from the EU to the US: necessary extraterritorial legal diffusion in the US-EU Passenger Name Record agreement
págs. 221-234
págs. 235-242
págs. 243-249
págs. 251-268
Extraterritoriality from the Port: EU’s approach to jurisdiction over ship-source pollution
págs. 269-284
págs. 285-288
págs. 289-295
A Chronicle of Frustration and Final Vindication: International Legal Advice in Spain and the Iraq War (2002-2003)
págs. 297-303
Use of force and International law: Opinions of the Spanish International Legal Office (2004-2012)
págs. 305-313
The question of the use of force in Spanish practice (2012-2015): a legal perspective
págs. 315-328
Between traditional rules and new practices: Spanish practice with regard the use of armed forces (1990-2015)
págs. 329-345
The Spanish-Moroccan Cooperation on Immigration: The Summary Returns Cases of Isla de Tierra-Alhucemas (2012) and Ceuta and Melilla (2014)
págs. 349-356
The “Head of a Young Woman” case: a new Example of International Illicit Traffic of Cultural Property?
págs. 357-363
The “effectiveness” of CEDAW Committee Decisions: Ángela González Carreño v. Spain
págs. 365-372
Es reseña de:
Los conflictos armados contemporáneos: construcción de la paz y derechos humanos / José Antonio Valles Cavia (ed. lit.)
Los Libros de la Catarata, 2013. Investigación y Debate. ISBN 978-84-8319-859-9
págs. 373-375
Alberto Delfín Arrufat Cárdava
Es reseña de:
The European Union and the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
Antonio Blanc Altemir (dir.)
Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2015. ISBN 978-84-9098-265-5
págs. 377-379
El Derecho Internacional ante el conflicto en Colombia. By Félix Vacas Fernández
Israel Biel Portero (res.)
Es reseña de:
El derecho internacional ente el conflicto de Colombia
Tirant lo Blanch, 2015. Monografías, 965. ISBN 978-84-9086-099-1
págs. 381-383
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