‘Putting on the Girls’: Mary’s Girlhood and the Performance of Monarchical Authority in Philippe de Mézière’s Dramatic Office for the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple
págs. 1-18
págs. 19-34
págs. 35-50
The Tyrolean Play of David and Goliath (Bozen, 1515): Tradition, Text, and Translation
págs. 51-90
Les Franciscains et le genre macabre: Les Danses de la Mort et la prédication
págs. 91-106
La Moralité des frères de Maintenant: Propositions pour une étude dramaturgique
págs. 107-126
Play and Record: Ser Tommaso di Silvestro and the Theatre of Medieval and Early Modern Orvieto
págs. 127-172
págs. 173-184
Working on the Audience: Allegorical Strategies in Rhetoricians Plays
págs. 185-204
Edited Remainders of a Nativity: Two Short, Early Polish Christmas Fragments
págs. 205-212
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