New Public Management: The Cruellest Invention of the Human Spirit?
Irvine Lapsley
págs. 1-21
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies of Failure: The Endogenous Balance Sheets of Distressed Companies
G. Meeks, J.G. Meeks
págs. 22-43
Capital Project Analysis When Cash Flows Evolve as a Continuous Time Branching Process
Ian Davidson, Yoshikatsu Shinozawa, Mark Tippett
págs. 44-65
Bayesian Fraud Risk Formula for Financial Statement Audits
Rajendra P. Srivastava, Theodore J. Mock, Jerry L. Turner
págs. 66-87
Consistency, Value Relevance and Sufficiency of Book for Market Values in Five Japanese Conglomerates Over the Period 1950–2004
Terencue Cooke, Teruyo Omura, Roger Willett
págs. 88-123
Corporate Governance and the Prediction of the Impact of AIFRS Adoption
John Goodwin, Kamran Ahmed, Richard Heaney
págs. 124-145
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