Non-concatenative allomorphy is generalized prosodic affixation: the case of Upriver Halkomelem
págs. 1-26
págs. 36-61
Tonogenesis in early Contemporary Seoul Korean: a longitudinal case study
págs. 62-74
págs. 75-101
págs. 103-128
págs. 129-148
págs. 149-169
págs. 170-193
Another Quantificational Variability Effect: the indefinite pronoun 'neemen' ‘no one’ as a floating quantifier and as a negative adverb in Fering–Öömrang (North Frisian)
págs. 194-209
Complications in diagnosing lexical meaning: a rejoinder to Horvath and Siloni (2013)
págs. 210-218
págs. 219-248
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