Urban encounters limited: The importance of built-in boundaries in contacts between people with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities and their neighbours
págs. 3371-3387
New housing association development and its potential to reduce concentrations of deprivation: An English case study
Tony Crook, Peter Bibby, Ed Ferrari, Sarah Monk, Connie Tang, Christine Whitehead
págs. 3388-3404
Revitalisation gone wrong: Mixed-income public housing redevelopment in Toronto’s Don Mount Court
págs. 3405-3422
págs. 3423-3438
págs. 3439-3454
págs. 3455-3471
Regional heterogeneity and the trans-regional interaction of housing prices and inflation: Evidence from China’s 35 major cities
págs. 3472-3492
Rising residential rents in Chinese mega cities: The role of monetary policy
págs. 3493-3509
Jiaoyufication: When gentrification goes to school in the Chinese inner city
págs. 3510-3526
págs. 3527-3546
The workings of collaborative governance: Evaluating collaborative community-building initiatives in Korea
págs. 3547-3565
Re-making a place-of-memory: The competition between representativeness and place-making knowledge in Gwangju, South Korea
págs. 3566-3583
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