págs. 1297-1318
The African Union and the International Criminal Court: counteracting the crisis
págs. 1319-1342
págs. 1343-1359
págs. 1361-1379
págs. 1381-1399
págs. 1401-1426
págs. 1427-1441
págs. 1443-1462
págs. 1463-1480
The culture of investment-led international development: the Chatham House circle (1939-45) and lessons for today
págs. 1481-1498
págs. 1499-1504
págs. 1505-1515
Fighting hurt: rule and exception in torture and war. By Henry Shue
págs. 1517-1518
págs. 1519-1520
From Washington to Moscow: US-Soviet relations and the collapse of the USSR. By Louis Sell
págs. 1520-1521
Beyond the divide: entangled histories of Cold War Europe. Edited by Simo Mikkonen and Pia Koivunen
págs. 1521-1522
págs. 1523-1523
Rise of the machines: a cybernetic history. By Thomas Rid
págs. 1524-1525
Social science goes to war: the Human Terrain System in Iraq and Afghanistan. Edited by Montgomery McFate and Janice H. Laurence
págs. 1525-1526
The future of extended deterrence: the United States, NATO, and beyond. Edited by Stéfanie von Hlatky and Andreas Wenger
págs. 1526-1528
War with Russia. By General Sir Richard Shirreff: Ghost fleet: a novel of the next world war. By P. W. Singer and August Cole
págs. 1528-1530
Holidays in the danger zone: entanglements of war and tourism. By Debbie Lisle
págs. 1530-1531
Shaper nations: strategies for a changing world. Edited by William I. Hitchcock, Melvyn P. Leffler and Jeffrey W. Legro
págs. 1531-1533
Connectography: mapping the global network revolution. By Parag Khanna
págs. 1533-1534
The politics of innovation: why some countries are better than others at science and technology. By Mark Zachary Taylor
págs. 1535-1536
Reason in a dark time: why the struggle against climate change failed-and what it means for our future. By Dale Jamieson
págs. 1536-1537
An unfinished foundation: the United Nations and global environmental governance. By Ken Conca
págs. 1538-1539
The European External Action Service and national foreign ministries: convergence or divergence?
págs. 1540-1542
Europe's long energy journey: towards an energy union? By David Buchan and Malcolm Keay
págs. 1542-1543
págs. 1543-1544
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