Surveying Sikyon from the state to the land
Es reseña de:
Land of sikyon: Archaeology and history of a greek city-state
Aristoteles Koskinas (col.), Lina Kormazopoulou
Yannis A. Lolos, 2011
págs. 864-874
Pottery from an intensive survey at Sikyon
Es reseña de:
The ceramics industry of roman sikyon: a technological study
Conor P. Trainor, 2015
págs. 875-879
Antique(s) romaine(s): une économie socialment imbriquée
Es reseña de:
The North African Boom: Evaluating Economic Growth in the Roman Province of Africa Proconsularis (146 B.C. - A.D. 439)
Matthew S. Hobson
págs. 880-885
North Africa's largest known gold hoard
Es reseña de:
Simithus. Band 4, Der spätantike Münzschatz von Simitthus/Chimtou
Hans Roland Baldus, Mustapha Khanoussi
Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2014
págs. 886-887
Es reseña de:
Carthage: Fact and Myth
Roald Docter (ed. lit.), Ridha Boussoffara (ed. lit.), Pieter Ter Keurs (ed. lit.)
Leiden : Sidestone Press, 2015
págs. 887-888
La decorazione architettonica di 'Lepcis Magna' in pietra locale
Es reseña de:
Die Architekturdekoration der frühen Kaiserzeit in Lepcis Magna: Supplements to Libya Antiqua – VIII
Karl-Uwe Mahler
Worms : Wernersche, 2006
págs. 889-902
Roman taxation in the Hermopolite nome of Egypt
Es reseña de:
Un dossier fiscal hermopolitain d'époque romaine conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg
Ruey-Lin Chang
Le Caire : Institutt français d'archéologie orientale, 2014
págs. 903-906
Petitions written on papyrus: glimpses of non-élite Egyptians in the Roman imperial enterprise
Es reseña de:
Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation
Ari Z. Bryen
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013
págs. 906-912
The Tetrarchic cult room in the temple of Luxor
Es reseña de:
Art of Empire: The Roman Frescoes and Imperial Cult Chamber in Luxor Temple
Michael Jones (ed. lit.), Susanna McFadden (ed. lit.)
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2015
págs. 913-914
A conference on Indo-Mediterranean commerce
Es reseña de:
Across the Ocean: Nine Essays on Indo-Mediterranean Trade
Federico De Romanis (ed. lit.), Marco Maiuro (ed. lit.)
Leiden : Brill, 2015
págs. 915-919
The material culture and mission of the Late Roman Army on the southeastern imperial frontier
Es reseña de:
The 2003-2007 Excavations in the Late Roman Fort at Yotvata by Gwyn Davies
Gwyn Davies, Jodi Magness
Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 2015
págs. 919-923
The future of Palmyrene studies
Es reseña de:
Palmyra: Requiem für eine Stadt
Paul Veyne
München : C. H. Beck, 2016
págs. 924-931
The records of delegations to the oracle at Claros
Es reseña de:
Les monuments de délégations du sanctuaire oraculaire de Claros, d’après la documentation conservée dans le Fonds Louis Robert (2 vols., Mémoires de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 49)
J.-L. Ferrary
Paris : Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2014
págs. 932-940
The "explosion" and "implosion" of 'agones'
Es reseña de:
The End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity
Sofie Remijsen
Cambridge University Press, 2015
págs. 941-949
Palladius and the achievements of Roman agronomy in late antiquity
Es reseña de:
Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus: Welt und Wert spätrömischer Landwirtschaft
Marco Johannes Bartoldus
Augsburg : Wißner-Verlag, 2012
págs. 950-958
Rome and barbarian imperialism in A.D. 410
Es reseña de:
The Sack of Rome in 410 AD: The Event, its Context, and its Impact
Johannes Lipps (ed. lit.), Carlos Machado (ed. lit.), Philipp von Rummel (ed. lit.)
Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2013
págs. 959-965
Yves Modéran's posthumous book on the Vandals
Es reseña de:
Les Vandales Et Lempire Romain
Yves Modéran
Arles : éditions errance, 2014
págs. 966-968
Confiscation, appropriation, and barbarian settlement 30+ years after Goffart
Es reseña de:
Expropriations et confiscations dans les royaumes barbares: une approche régionale
Pierfrancesco Porena (ed. lit.), Yann Rivière
Ecole Française de Rome, 2012
págs. 969-971
In search of late Roman porticoes
Es reseña de:
The Afterlife of the Roman City: Architecture and Ceremony in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Hendrik W. Dey
Cambridge University Press, 2015
págs. 972-974
Es reseña de:
Treasure in Heaven: The Holy Poor in Early Christianity
Peter Brown
University of Virginia Press, 2016
págs. 975-977
Late-antique and early Byzantine renewable energy
Es reseña de:
Die Mühlenkaskade von Ephesos: Technikgeschichtliche Studien zur Versorgung einer spätantiken bis frühbyzantinischen Stadt
Stefanie Wefers
Mainz : Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2015
págs. 978-981
The final report on two churches at Sardis
Es reseña de:
Churches Ea and E at Sardis
Hans Buchwald
Archeological Exploration of Sardis, 2015
págs. 982-984
Dividing a family estate in the early 6th c. A.D.
Es reseña de:
The Petra Papyri II
Ludwig Koenen, Jorma Kaimio, Maarit Kaimio, Robert W. Daniel
Amman : merican Center of Oriental Research, 2013
págs. 984-988
An archaeological study of Syriac churches
Es reseña de:
Les églises en monde syriaque
François Briquel-Chatonnet (ed. lit.)
Paris : Geuthner, 2013
págs. 989-990
The Western reception of Roman homosexuality
Es reseña de:
Ancient Rome and the Construction of Modern Homosexual Identities
Jennifer Ingleheart (ed. lit.)
Oxford : Classical Presences, 2015
págs. 991-993
Es reseña de:
The Military and Colonial Destruction of the Roman Landscape of North Africa, 1830-1900
Michael Greenhalgh
Leiden : Brill, 2014
págs. 994-997
M. I. Rostovtzeff, E. Bickerman, and the history of scholarship
Es reseña de:
Writing History in Time of War: Michael Rostovtzeff, Elias Bickerman and the "Hellenization of Asia
J. G. Manning (ed. lit.)
Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2015
págs. 998-1000
Addressing the destruction of shipwrecks by trawlers
Es reseña de:
Fishing and Shipwreck Heritage: Marine Archaeology's Greatest Threat?
Sean Kingsley
London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016
págs. 1000-1003
Tracking mass death during the fall of Rome's empire (II): a first inventory of mass graves
págs. 1004-1007
Tracking mass death during the fall of Rome's empire (II): a first inventory
págs. 1008-1046
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