Interventions for preventing hamstring injuries: a systematic review
págs. 91-99
Measurement properties of the pressure biofeedback unit in the evaluation of transversus abdominis muscle activity: a systematic review
Pedro Olavo de Paula Lima, Rodrigo Ribeiro de Oliveira, Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa, Glória Elizabeth Carneiro Laurentino
págs. 100-106
Primary contact physiotherapy in emergency departments can reduce length of stay for patients with peripheral musculoskeletal injuries compared with secondary contact physiotherapy: a prospective non-randomised controlled trial
Nicholas Taylor, Emily Norman, Leanne Roddy, Clarice Y. Tang, Anne Pagram, Kirsty Hearn
págs. 107-114
Nigel C.A. Hanchard, Lorna Goodchild, Jackie Thompson, Tracey O’Brien, Dot Davison, Chris Richardson
págs. 115-125
Step length appears to be a strong discriminant gait parameter for elderly females highly concerned about falls: a cross-sectional observational study
Renata Noce Kirkwood, Bruno de Souza Moreira, Márcia L.D.C. Vallone, Sueli Aparecida Mingoti, Rosângela Corrêa Dias, Rosana Ferreira Sampaio
págs. 126-131
Inter-rater reliability study of the modified Oxford Grading Scale and the Peritron manometer
Cristine Homsi Jorge Ferreira, Patrícia Brentegani Barbosa, Flaviane de Oliveira Souza, Flávia Ignácio Antônio, Maíra Menezes Franco, Kari Bø
págs. 132-138
Making the transition from physiotherapy student to interprofessional team member
K. Davies, K. Harrison, D.L. Clouder, M. Gilchrist, L. McFarland, J. Earland
págs. 139-144
Physical activity and exercise promotion and prescription in undergraduate physiotherapy education: content analysis of Irish curricula
págs. 145-153
Patients' perspectives of patient-centredness as important in musculoskeletal physiotherapy interactions: a qualitative study
págs. 154-162
Haematological effect of pulsed ultrasound in acute muscular inflammation in rats
Luis Ulisses Signori, Silvio Teixeira da Costa, Adão Felix Saurin Neto, Rodrigo Machado Pizzolotto, Cristiane Beck, Graciele Sbruzzi, Antônio Marcos Vargas da Silva, Rodrigo Della Méa Plentz
págs. 163-169
Fatigue is associated with muscle weakness in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: an explorative study
págs. 170-174
págs. 175-179
Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries
Es reseña de:
Therapeutic modalities for musculoskeletal injuries
Craig R. Denegar, Ethan Saliba, Susan A. Saliba, Michael F. Joseph, Kavin KW. Tsang
Human Kinetic (3 ed.) . ISBN 978-0-7360-7891-7
págs. 180-180
Gait Analysis, Normal and Pathological Function, 2nd ed
Es reseña de:
Gait analysis: normal and pathological function
Jacquelin Perry, Judith M. Burnfield
SLACK (2 ed.) . ISBN 9781556427664
págs. 180-180
Research for Health Care Practice
Es reseña de:
Research methods for health care practice
SAGE. ISBN 9781412935760
págs. 180-180
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