Chapter One - Challenges in Drug Discovery at Schering–Plough Research Institute: A Personal Reflection
págs. 3-14
págs. 15-22
págs. 23-34
Chapter Four - Selective Inhibitors of PDE2, PDE9, and PDE10: Modulators of Activity of the Central Nervous System
Morten Jørgensen, Jan Kehler, Morten Langgård, Niels Svenstrup, Lena Tagmose
págs. 37-55
Chapter Five - Beyond Secretases: Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Federico Medda, Breland Smith, Vijay Gokhale, Arthur Y. Shaw, Travis Dunckley, Christopher Hulme
págs. 57-71
págs. 73-87
págs. 91-103
Chapter Eight - Molecular Targeting of Imaging and Drug Delivery Probes in Atherosclerosis
Cesare Casagrande, Daniela Arosio, Claudia Kusmic, Leonardo Manzoni, Luca Menichetti, Antonio L’Abbate
págs. 105-118
págs. 119-130
Chapter Ten - Recent Advances in the Discovery and Development of CCR1 Antagonists
Penglie Zhang, Daniel J. Dairaghi, Juan C. Jaen, Jay P. Powers
págs. 133-147
págs. 149-167
págs. 169-182
Chapter Thirteen - Recent Advances in Small-Molecule Modulation of Epigenetic Targets: Discovery and Development of Histone Methyltransferase and Bromodomain Inhibitors
págs. 185-203
págs. 205-225
págs. 227-245
págs. 249-263
págs. 265-281
Chapter Eighteen - Special Challenges to the Rational Design of Antibacterial Agents
Kirk E. Hevener, Shuyi Cao, Tian Zhu, Pin-Chih Su, Shahila Mehboob, Michael E. Johnson
págs. 283-298
págs. 301-315
Neuroinflammation in Mood Disorders: Mechanisms and Drug Targets
Allent T. Hopper, Kenneth A. Jones, Brian M. Campbell, Guiying Li
págs. 317-331
Chapter Twenty-One - Inhibitors of hERG Channel Trafficking: A Cryptic Mechanism for QT Prolongation
págs. 335-352
págs. 353-369
págs. 371-386
Derek R. Buckle, P.W. Erhardt, C.R. Ganellin, Toshi Kobayashi, Thomas J. Perun, John Proudfoot, Joerg Senn-Bilfinger
págs. 387-418
Chapter Twenty-Five - Case History: Xalkori™ (Crizotinib), a Potent and Selective Dual Inhibitor of Mesenchymal Epithelial Transition (MET) and Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) for Cancer Treatment
págs. 421-434
Chapter Twenty-Six - Case History: Vemurafenib, a Potent, Selective, and First-in-Class Inhibitor of Mutant BRAF for the Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma
Prabha N. Ibrahim, Jiazhong Zhang, Chao Zhang, Gideon Bollag
págs. 435-449
págs. 451-469
Chapter Twenty-Eight - To Market, To Market—2012
Joanne Bronson, Amelia Black, T. G. Murali Dhar, Bruce A. Ellsworth, J. Robert Merritt
págs. 471-546
págs. 547-553
págs. 555-577
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