Artistry in the ancient novel
Graham Anderson
págs. 1-46
Il 'romanzo di Alcesti’
Greta Castrucci
pág. 34
L'eunuque, un personnage négligé du roman grec
Patrick Robiano
págs. 47-68
'Holy and pleasing to God': a narratological approach to hagiography in Jerome's "Lives" of Paul and Malchus
Christa Gray
págs. 103-128
'Do not deny me this noble death': Depictions of Violence in the Greek Novels and Apocryphal Acts
Philip A. Harland
págs. 129-147
Les "Aigyptiaka" de Cnémon (Héliodore, "Éthiopiques")
Dimitri Kasprzyk
págs. 149-174
What Charicles Knew: Fragmentary Narration and Ambiguity in Heliodorus' "Aethiopica"
Benedek Kruchió
págs. 175-194
Virtue Obscured: Theagenes' "Sōphrosynē" in Heliodorus' "Aethiopica"
Rachel Bird
págs. 195-208
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