Reconceptionalization of the "Immovable Property Clause" in article 13 paragraph 4 OECD model convention by means of the multilateral instrument?
Florian Haase
págs. 284-295
The Special Tax Regimes Clause in the 2016 U.S. Model Income Tax Convention
Félix Alberto Vega Borrego
págs. 296-309
A Brave New Post-BEPS World: New Double Tax Treaty Between Germany and Australia Implements BEPS Measures
Ludmilla Maurer, Christian Port, Tom Roth, John Walker
págs. 310-321
Interest Deduction in the Netherlands: Tax Aspects of the Different Interest Deduction Limitation Rules
Arco Bobeldijk, Tim Hendriks
págs. 322-332
Perspectives of the Concept of Result Regarding Assessment of Municipal Service Tax (ISS) on Exportation of Services: in Brasil
Adriana Nogueira Tôrres
págs. 333-340
From Lax to Tax: India's Changing Policy on Overseas Taxation
Debadatta Bose
págs. 341-352
Italian Tax Authorities Action Against Fictitious Corporate Tax Residence
Piergiorgio Valente
págs. 353-360
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