A note on an additive problem with powers of a primitive root
V. C. Garcia
págs. 1-4
Desigualdades y fórmulas asintóticas para sumas de potencias de primos
Rafael Jakimczuk
págs. 5-10
Structural invariants in crystallography and isometry of cyclotomic measures
Gabriela Putinar
págs. 11-18
Branched coverings after Fox
José María Montesinos Amilibia
págs. 19-64
On estimates for area functions of solutions to non-divergence parabolic equations
Jorge Rivera-Noriega
págs. 65-89
On the stochastic Aubry-Mather theory
Renato Iturriaga, Héctor Sánchez Morgado
págs. 91-99
An atomic decomposition for the Bergman space of temperature functions on a cylinder
Marcos López García
págs. 101-119
Absolute hyperspaces and hyperspaces that are absolute cones and absolute suspensions
Sam B., Jr. Nadler
págs. 121-129
Limit properties of spaces of some mappings between continua
Janusz J. Charatonik
págs. 131-138
Hereditarily indecomposable continua with finitely many continuous surjections
Elzbieta Pol
págs. 139-147
The Abel-Jacobi theory for product laminations by Riemann surfaces
Emigdio Martínez Ojeda
págs. 149-161
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