Stars in the Silurian sky: Echinoderm holdfasts from the Carnic Alps, Austria
A. Ferretti, W.I. Ausich, C. Corradini, M.G. Corriga, H.P. Schönlaub
págs. 335-347
págs. 349-362
págs. 363-384
N. Franco, J. G. Mendoça Filho, T.F. Silva, K. Stojanovic, L.F. Fontana, S. Carvalhal-Gomes, F.S. Silva, G.G. Furukawa
págs. 385-401
Modeling of microbial gas generation: application to the eastern Mediterranean “Biogenic Play”
págs. 403-417
págs. 419-441
Organic-rich shales from internal Betic basins (SE Spain): potential source rocks analogs for the pre-Messinian Salt play in the western Mediterranean
Albert Permanyer Bastardas, R. Jorge, R. Baudino, Lluís Gibert Beotas
págs. 443-460
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