págs. 797-802
págs. 803-818
Opinion 2/15: Sustainable Is the New Trade. Rethinking Coherence for the New Common Commercial Policy
págs. 819-828
págs. 829-843
Exercises in Legal Acrobatics: The Brexit Transitional Arrangements
págs. 845-862
Explaining the EU’s Legal Obligation for Democracy Promotion: The Case of the EU-Turkey Relationship
págs. 863-886
págs. 887-903
Self-determination at the European Courts: The Front Polisario Case or “The Unintended Awakening of a Giant”
págs. 907-921
L’Union Européenne et la question du Sahara: entre la reconnaissance de la souveraineté du Maroc et les errements de la justice européenne
págs. 923-951
págs. 953-966
Front Polisario: A Step Forward in Judicial Review of International Agreements by the Court of Justice?
págs. 967-975
págs. 977-984
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