págs. 453-477
Conflict, Collaboration and ClimateChange: Participatory Democracyand Urban Environmental Strugglesin Durban, South Africa
págs. 478-495
págs. 496-511
Social Inclusion through Participation: the Case of the Participatory Budget in São Paulo.
págs. 512-532
Putting the ‘Community’ into Community Planning: Assessing Community Inclusion in Northern Ireland.
págs. 533-547
Public Participation in Post-Fordist UrbanGreen Space Governance: The Case ofCommunity Gardens in Berlin
págs. 548-563
págs. 565-585
págs. 586-610
The Expatriate Real Estate Complex: Creative Destruction and the Productionof Luxury in Post-Socialist Prague
págs. 611-628
págs. 629-646
págs. 647-651
págs. 652-658
The Global Financial Crisis and MigrantWorkers in China: ‘There is No Futureas a Labourer; Returning to the Villagehas No Meaning’
págs. 659-677
págs. 678-685
How the State is Handling the PropertyCrisis in France: A Perspective onRecent Government Measures
págs. 686-692
Crisis in the Resurgent City?: The Rise of Copenhagen
págs. 693-700
págs. 701-708
Where the Ball Drops: Days and Nights in Times Square – By Daniel Makagon Designs on the Public: The Private Lives of New York's Public Spaces – By Kristine F. Miller The People's Property? Power, Politics, and the Public – By Lynn A. Staeheli and Donald Mitchell
págs. 709-713
Development and Dreams: The Urban Legacy of the 2010 Football World Cup – Edited by Udesh Pillay, Richard Tomlinson and Orli Bass.
págs. 713-715
Negotiating Boundaries in the City: Migration, Ethnicity and Gender in Britain – By Joanna Herbert.
págs. 715-716
The Next Los Angeles: The Struggle for a Livable City – By Robert Gottlieb, Mark Vallianatos, Regina M. Freer and Peter Dreier.
págs. 716-717
The New Urban Renewal: The Economic Transformation of Harlem and Bronzeville – By Derek S. Hyra.
págs. 717-719
Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City – Edited by Alev Çinar and Thomas Bender.
págs. 719-721
Con el Corazón Mirando al Sur: Transformaciones en el Sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Edited by Hilda Herzer.
págs. 721-722
Planning and Diversity in the City: Redistribution, Recognition and Encounter – By Ruth Fincher and Kurt Iveson.
págs. 722-724
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