Beyond Urban Subcultures: Urban Subversions as Rhizomatic Social Formations.
págs. 1-18
págs. 19-45
Insurgent Building: Emerging Spatial Politics in the Bedouin-State Conflict in Israel.
págs. 46-60
When an NGO Takes on PublicParticipation: Preparing a Plan fora Neighborhood in East Jerusalem
págs. 61-77
'Unity in Diversity': non-sectarian Social Movement Challenges to the Politics of Ethnic Antagonism in Violently Divided Cities
págs. 78-92
págs. 93-114
Loïc Wacquant's 'Ghetto' and Ethnic Minority Segregation in the UK: The Neglected Case of Gypsy- Travellers.
págs. 115-134
Citizen Participation in Urban Governance in the Context of Democratization: Evidence from Low-Income Neighbourhoods in Mexico.
págs. 135-150
The Ideology of the Dual City: The Modernist Ethic in the Corporate Development of Makati City, Metro Manila.
págs. 165-185
págs. 186-214
Heritage in the Dynamic City: The Politics and Practice of Urban Conservation on the Swahili Coast.
págs. 215-237
Material Politics: Concrete Imaginations and the Architectural Definition of Urban Life in Le Corbusier's Master Plan for Buenos Aires.
págs. 238-258
Entropy by design: Gilles Clément, Parc Henri Matisse and the Limits to Avant-garde Urbanism.
págs. 259-278
Post-Industrial Imaginaries: Nature, Representation and Ruin in Detroit, Michigan.
págs. 279-296
Contesting Sustainability: ' SMART Growth' and the Redevelopment of Austin's Eastside.
págs. 297-310
págs. 311-327
Atlantic Gardens in Mediterranean Climates: Understanding the Production of Suburban Natures in Barcelona.
Marc Parés i Franzi, Hug March Corbella, David Saurí i Pujol
págs. 328-347
The City as an Entertainment Machine - Edited by Terry Nichols Clark. Selling EthniCity: Urban Cultural Politics in the Americas - Edited by Olaf Kaltmeier. Cities and Fascination: Beyond the Surplus of Meaning - Edited by Heiko Schmid, Wolf-Dietrich Sahr and John Urry
págs. 348-351
The Philadelphia Barrio: The Arts, Branding, and Neighborhood Transformation - By Frederick F. Wherry.
págs. 352-353
págs. 353-355
Paradise Plundered: Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego - By Steven P. Erie, Vladimir Kogan and Scott A. Mackenzie.
págs. 355-357
págs. 357-358
Home Spaces, Street Styles: Contesting Power and Identity in a South African City - By Leslie J. Bank.
págs. 359-360
Globalization and Third World Women: Exploitation, Coping and Resistance - Edited by Ligaya Lindio-McGovern and Isidor Wallimann.
págs. 360-362
págs. 362-363
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