págs. 1-5
Introduction: Labor and the Challenge of Plurality in Historical Archaeology
págs. 6-11
Markers of Difference or Makers of Difference?: Atypical Practices at Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Satellite Sites, ca. 1650-1700
págs. 12-29
Created Communities: Segregation and the History of Plural Sites on Eastern Long Island, New York
págs. 30-50
págs. 51-69
Late Modernity and Community Change in Lattimer No. 2: The American Twentieth Century as Seen through the Archaeology of a Pennsylvania Anthracite Town
págs. 70-84
The Plurality of Parting Ways: Landscapes of Dependence and Independence and the Making of a Free African American Community in MAssachusetts
págs. 85-99
Homeplace Is also Workplace: Another Look at Lucy Foster in Andover, Massachusetts
págs. 100-112
págs. 113-124
Laboring under an Illusion: Aligning Method and Theory in the Archaeology of Plantation Slavery
págs. 125-139
Corduroy-Road Archaeology in Cultural and Historical Context: A Case Study from the New York Frontier
págs. 140-163
Sucreries and Züzbaakdokaanan: Racialization, Indigenous Crealization, and the Archaeology of Maple-Sugar Camps in Northern Michigan
págs. 164-196
The Virtual Fort Ross Project: Architectural Reconstruction of Settlement Ross, Sonoma County, California
págs. 197-210
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