The Geographic Distance of Relocation Search: An Extended Resource-Based Perspective.
págs. 371-392
págs. 393-419
Regional Industrial Structure Concentration in the United States: Trends and Implications.
págs. 421-452
Exploring the Knowledge Strategies of Temporary Cluster Organizers: A Longitudinal Study of the EU Fabric Industry Trade Shows (1986-2006).
págs. 453-476
págs. 477-478
págs. 479-480
Fighting for the Future of Food: Activists versus Agribusiness in the Struggle over Biotechnology - By Rachel Schurman and William Munro.
págs. 481-482
Emerging Clusters: Theoretical, Empirical and Political Perspectives on the Initial Stage of Cluster Evolution - Edited by Dirk Fornahl, Sebastian Henn, and Max-Peter Menzel.
págs. 483-485
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