Repair bond strength of composite: effect of surface treatment and type of composite
Maryam Ghavam, Maryam Naeemi, Sedighe Sadat Hashemikamangar, Hooman Ebrahimi, Mohammad Javd Kharazifard
págs. 520-527
Interfacial fracture toughness of universal adhesive systems treated with an antioxidant
Pouran Samimi, Reihaneh Nazem, Farinaz Shirban, Maryam Khoroushi
págs. 528-536
Titanium dioxide in dental enamel as a trace element and its variation with bleaching
Tatiana Vargas-Koudriavtsev, Randall Duran-Sedo, O.A. Herrera-Sancho
págs. 537-541
Calcifying odontogenic cyst: a 26-year retrospective clinicopathological analysis and immunohistochemical study
José A. Arruda, Leni-Verônica Silva, Leorik-Pereira da Silva, João-Luiz Monteiro, Pâmella Alvares, Márcia María Fonseca Da Silveira, Ana-Paula Sobral
págs. 542-547
págs. 548-554
Intensity output and effectiveness of light curing units in dental offices
Baharan-Ranjbar Omidi, Armin Gosili, Mona Jaber-Ansari, Ailin Mahdkhah
págs. 555-560
Histopathologic analysis of gingival lesions: a 20-year retrospective study at one academic dental center
págs. 561-566
Influence of the dental prosthetic status on self-perceptions of health and treatment needs: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults with chronic disease
Fabiana-Barros-Marinho Maia, Emerson Tavares-de-Sousa, Jossaria-Pereira de Sousa, Kelly-Guedes-de Oliveira Scudine, Cláudia Helena Soares de Freitas, Fábio Correia Sampaio, Franklin-Delano-Soares Forte
págs. 567-573
Bacterial adhesion on fissure sealants: effects of exposure to acidic drink
Marco Colombo, Alberto Dagna, Domenico Molino, Claudio Poggio, Diego Maiolatesi, Giampiero Pietrocola
págs. 574-578
A swift, easy and cheap protocol to evaluate the tooth bleaching in vitro
Klayann-Varejão-de Freitas Penha, Anne-Carolyne-Santos Sousa, Camila-Araújo Oliveira, Raissa-Silva-Bacelar de Andrade, Daniel Fernando Pereira Vasconcelos
págs. 579-584
Satisfaction in complete denture wearers with and without adhesives: a randomized, crossover, double-blind clinical trial
Carlos Torres-Sanchez, Vanessa Montoya Salazar, Daniel Torres Lagares, José Luis Gutiérrez Pérez, Emilio Jiménez-Castellanos Ballesteros
págs. 585-590
Effect of surface treatments on the bond strength of CAD/CAM fiberglass posts
Paula-Pontes Garcia, Rogério Goulart da Costa, André-Vivan Garcia, Carla Castiglia Gonzaga, Leonardo Fernandes da Cunha, Carlos-Eduardo-Edwards Rezende, Gisele Maria Correr
págs. 591-597
Comparative study of debris and smear layer removal with EDTA and Er,Cr:YSGG laser
Paloma Montero-Miralles, Daniel Torres Lagares, Juan J. Segura Egea, María Angeles Serrera Figallo, José Luis Gutiérrez Pérez, Gabriel Castillo Dalí
págs. 598-602
Implant survival in patients with oral cancer: a 5-year follow-up
Rafael Flores Ruiz, Lizett Castellanos Cosano, María Angeles Serrera Figallo, Eloy Cano Díaz, Daniel Torres Lagares, José Luis Gutiérrez Pérez
págs. 603-609
Management of a crown-root fracture: a novel technique with interdisciplinary approach
Amaia Artieda-Estanga, Pablo Castelo Baz, A. Bello Castro, Isabel Ramos Barbosa, Benjamín Martín Biedma, Juan Blanco Carrión
págs. 620-623
Root canal treatment of dilacerated second maxillary premolars: planning the shaping procedure
págs. 624-627
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