Detection of the gas-bearing zone in a carbonate reservoir using multi-class relevance vector machines (RVM): comparison of its performance with SVM and PNN
págs. 347-357
págs. 359-373
págs. 375-402
págs. 403-420
págs. 421-429
págs. 431-446
Discovery of rare hydrothermal alterations of oligocene Dolomite reservoirs in the Yingxi area: Qaidam, West China
Hao Zhang, Gang Chen, Yushuang Zhu, Chenggang Huang, Xianglong Ni, Xinming Ma, Ping Zhang
págs. 447-463
págs. 465-476
PCO2 variations of cave air and cave water in a subtropical cave, SW China
Junbing Pu, Aoyu Wang, Jianjun Yin, Licheng Shen, Daoxian Yuan
págs. 477-487
págs. 489-507
págs. 509-515
Amplitude calculation of the end-Permian sea level drop in Northeastern Sichuan Basin, China
Rui Zhao, Jiahui Zhao, Yang Li, Yu Liang, Yasheng Wu, Enguang Qi
págs. 517-533
págs. 535-546
Multiphase of the meteoric diagenetic environment of carbonates and its relationship with reservoir: a case study of the Jingxi Area in the Ordos Basin, China
págs. 547-560
págs. 561-576
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