Beach rescue: without intervention, Southern California could lose a majority of its beaches by 2100
págs. 16-19
Looking local: Philadelphia's Rail Park takes off with neighborhood firm Studio Bryan Hanes
págs. 20-27
Ready, set, swim: a recent study shows that Portland's public docks nicely suit swimmers
págs. 28-33
It always rains on campus: the EPA's campus RainWorks Challenge shapes the way landscape architecture programs teach
págs. 34-43
In the mix: working in a multidisciplinary firm means every day is different
Jennifer E. Cooper, Linda Gumeny, George Salvaggio, Gene Bollinger, Wendy Gilmartin
págs. 44-53
The biggest smallest move: Seattle's Mutuus Studio gives an industrial relic its turn in the spotlight
págs. 54-73
Dredging up the future: sediment from Baltimore's shipping channels is an important key to the ongoing transformation of its urban landscapes
págs. 74-91
Pier review: a renovation of Chicago's Navy Pier by James Corner Field Operations is out to attract a new audience that's local, urbane, and into design
págs. 92-109
The rising tidewater: disparate but urgent efforts to address sea-level rise in the Virginia Tidewater, one of the country's most important strategic centers, are striving to keep up with visible realities
págs. 110-127
Landslide 2017: Not gone. Yet
págs. 130-139
Dissonance to consonance: five points on a spectrum - Landscapes of modern architecture, by Marc Treib
págs. 140-142
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