Constitutional Review in the Mega-Leviathan: a Democratic Foundation for the European Court of Justice
págs. 695-716
The Convention Method Revisited: Does It Have a Future and Does It Matter?
págs. 717-735
págs. 736-759
Are There Methods of Reasoning on ‘Meta-Legislation’?: The Interpretation of Legislative Competence Norms within the Methodology of European Constitutional Law
págs. 760-779
Integrating Environmental Protection and EU Competition Law: Why Competition Isn't Special
págs. 780-805
Resolving Incompatibilities of Bilateral Investment Treaties of the EU Member States with the EC Treaty: Individual and Collective Options
págs. 806-830
Es reseña de:
Die Selbstautorisierung des Agenten. Der Europäische Gerichtshof im Vergleich zum US Supreme Court
Maret Höreth
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2008
págs. 831-833
The Constitutional Dilemma of the European Union - By Joakim Nergelius
Es reseña de:
The Constitutional Dilemma of the European Union
Joakim Nergelius
Groningen : Europa Law Publishing, 2009
págs. 833-836
The Netherlands and the Development of Human Rights Instruments - By Hilde Reiding
Es reseña de:
The Netherlands and the Development of Human Rights Instruments
Hilde Reiding
Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2007
págs. 836-838
Es reseña de:
The European Union and China. Decision-Making in the EU Foreign and Security Policy towards the People's Republic of China
May-Btritt Stumbaum
Baden‐Baden : Nomos, 2009
págs. 838-841
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