págs. 407-437
The international firms as new entrants to the statutory audit market: an empirical analysis of auditor selection in Greece, 1993 to 1997
págs. 439-459
págs. 461-499
The changing public sector: from transition to transformation
págs. 501-504
Caught in an evaluatory trap: a dilemma for public services under NPFM
págs. 505-522
Transforming the public sector: management consultants as agents of change
págs. 523-543
Managed health care perspectives: a study of management accounting reforms on managing financial difficulties in a health care organization
págs. 545-560
Implementing management accounting reforms in the public sector: the difficult journey from intentions to effects
págs. 561-581
Performance auditing in local government: an exploratory study of perceived efficiency of municipal value for money auditing in Finland and Norway
págs. 583-599
págs. 601-619
págs. 621-643
págs. 645-660
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