The value of a working language
Krishna S. Dhir, Theresa Savage
págs. 1-35
Linguistic borrowing as evidence of the social history of the Senegalese speech community
Fallou Ngom
págs. 37-51
The place of Arabic in Israel
Muhammad Amara
págs. 53-68
Code choice in interethnic interactions in two urban neighborhoods of Central Java, Indonesia
Zane Goebel
págs. 69-87
Spanish-English code-switching among US Latinos
Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
págs. 89-119
Attitudes toward Spanish language maintenance or shift (LMLS) in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas
Pamela L. Anderson, Ralph Carlson, Hugo A. Mejías
págs. 121-140
Them and us in Shanghai today
Xiaoling Zhang
págs. 141-161
Situational and discoursal social honorifics in Jordan: an empirical study
Mohamed Farghal
págs. 163-181
Uses of web pages for endangered languages
Willian J. Poser
págs. 227-237
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