págs. 421-429
Additive interactions between gender and bullying victimization on depressive symptoms and suicidality: youth risk behavior survey 2011–2015
págs. 430-438
págs. 439-446
Efficacy of the Well-Being Index to Identify Distress and Well-Being in U.S. Nurses
Liselotte N. Dyrbye, Pamela O. Johnson, LeAnn M. Johnson, Daniel V. Satele, Tait D. Shanafelt
págs. 447-455
págs. 456-464
Construct validity of the multi-source interference task to examine attention in heart failure
Miyeon Jung, John Jonides, Marc G. Berman, Laurel Northouse, Todd M. Koelling, Susan J. Pressler
págs. 465-472
Application of a frailty modeling approach to correlated breastfeeding duration data
Jian Zhao, Yun Zhao, Vishnu Khanal, Andy H. Lee, Colin W. Binns
págs. 485-489
Using reflexive thinking to establish rigor in qualitative research
Horst Rettke, Manuela Pretto, Elisabeth Spichiger, Irena Anna Frei, Rebecca Spirig
págs. 490-497
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