págs. 4-7
Valeurs liées à la profession d’ergothérapeute: les répertorier pour les définir
págs. 8-18
págs. 19-29
Functional performance in older adults
Es reseña de:
Functional performance in older adults
págs. 29-29
Measuring the impact of driving status: The Centre for Research on Safe Driving-Impact of Driving Status on Quality of Life (CRSD-IDSQoL) tool
Loretta Patterson, Nadia W. Mullen, Arne Stinchcombe, Bruce Weaver, Michel Bédard
págs. 30-39
The “What Now?” Workbook: Its potential utility following life-changing events
págs. 40-47
págs. 48-60
Driving while navigating: On-road driving performance using GPS or printed instructions
págs. 61-69
págs. 70-80
Occupational therapy evidence in practice for mental health
Es reseña de:
Occupational therapy evidence in practice for mental health
págs. 80-80
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